Impacting our Raleigh Community

Since 2010, the City of Oaks Foundation has preserved over a hundred acres of natural forests, fields, and streams in the Raleigh area. By collaborating with the City of Raleigh and other partners, we have created new parks, protected our natural environment, and conserved Raleigh's hidden treasures for future generations to enjoy.

Through our Give Play program, hundreds of children in Raleigh and Wake County have experienced active outdoor summer camps and nature programs. This initiative provides financial aid to under-resourced families, ensuring their children can connect with nature.

Our efforts have also raised awareness among hundreds of families about the outdoor recreational and educational opportunities available in Raleigh. Many have participated in the City of Oaks Foundation's programs, discovering the joy and benefits of being outdoors.

We have enhanced public parks, created vital connections within our community's greenway trails, and encouraged more people to be active and engaged with nature. With your support, we can achieve even more.