Our parks are part of our legacy

Since its creation in 2020, the City of Oaks Foundation has preserved important greenspace and natural treasures in the Raleigh area, for the enjoyment of current and future generations. This has helped preserve our clean air and water resources, protect native plants and wildlife, and provide citizens with a natural refuge from the busy and rapidly growing city around us.

This work continues through support of our existing parks, greenways, and community open-space.

The City of Oaks Foundation is proud to be associated with several parks that showcase Raleigh’s natural beauty and serve our community. Each park we support is a testament to our commitment to preserving green spaces, providing recreational opportunities, and fostering a deep connection between people and nature. From tranquil wooded areas and vibrant wetlands to scenic overlooks and bustling greenways, our parks offer a diverse range of experiences for residents and visitors alike. Explore these treasured spaces and discover the unique charm and ecological importance that each one brings to our city.

We invite you to support these parks, or any of Raleigh’s 200 parks, community centers, and greenways, through your generous financial support.