Friends of Moore Square
Moore Square is a city park that is part of the Raleigh Parks System. Its official website can befound here.
Since 1792, Moore Square has been a place of gathering, reflection, entertainment, and recreation for the citizens of Raleigh. The four-acre downtown urban green space was originally conceived as one of five public green spaces for the City of Raleigh. Throughout its long history it has been a community gathering place, for purposes of religion, education, poltical expression and protest, commerce, and recreation.
Recently rennovated by the City of Raleigh, Moore Square now has added amenities like food and beverage options, restrooms, a children's play area, and a splash pad. However, the full potential of Moore Square has yet to be explored, and many local residents and neighborhood businesses are joining together to fund important park improvements and community programming.
Fun Facts about Moore Square (from the Landscape Architecture Foundation)
Moore Square sequesters an estimated 5,797 lbs of atmospheric carbon annually in 47 newly planted and preserved trees, 28 of which are 100-year-old oaks.
Moore Square Attracted 738,051 visitors in 2022, with an average of 2,022 daily visitors. 500 events are held yearly, with events driving visitor numbers especially in the fall and winter. 22% and 42% more people on average, respectively, are in the park during events (as compared to non-event times) in those seasons.
Moore Square promotes a sense of community, with 91% of 309 surveyed visitors reporting that the park makes them feel like part of the community. 6 event organizers reported choosing the park because of its openness and its downtown location.
Moore Square promotes art, with 77% of 132 surveyed visitors reporting seeing art in the park.
Moore Square promotes health and well-being, with 95% of 298 surveyed visitors expressing that the park’s trees make them feel happier and healthier.
Moore Square has seen reduced crime incidents within a one-block radius by 44%, with drug-related crimes 6.5 times lower after the park was retrofitted andincreased perceptions of safety, with 88% of 376 surveyed visitors reporting that they feel safe due to good visibility across the park, the presence of crowds during events, and the police officer on site.
Moore Square contributed to increased property values surrounding Moore Square Park by 80% between 2018 and 2021 when adjusted for inflation. Property values around a comparable park a half-mile away increased by 38% during the same period.
Moore Square Increases revenue during events by a reported 25% to 50% for 17 businesses within 2 blocks of the park. 88% of 337 surveyed visitors reported visiting nearby businesses when they attend the park events, and generated $50,787 in revenue for the City of Raleigh in 2022 from rental fees and special events.
Supports an average of 70 local businesses through farmers market events, with vendors reporting that they sell in the park due to its downtown location, open design, and feeling of safety. 91% of 28 interviewed vendors acknowledged that the success of their businesses depended on the farmer's market events hosted in the park.
You can play a crucial role in this vibrant community hub by joining with the Friends of Moore Square to help fund improvements like a parkwide outdoor sound system and public art displays and to help fund programming like the busker series, community festivals, and special holiday programs by making a donation today!
Over 85% of the funds raised will directly support the costs of these enhancements, with the remainder covering administrative and fundraising expenses. Join us in preserving the historic legacy of Moore Square park while enriching the community’s experience. Your support is essential, and together, we can make a significant impact.